Apache OpenOffice 4 Released

YAY! The new v4 OpenOffice is out there just waiting for you to download it.

I’d have to admit that I’ve been using LibreOffice since the Big To-do a few years back with OpenOffice/Oracle. However, since Apache has it now, I thought I’d give it a shot again. I run Slackware, though, which means I’ll have to build it myself. I may cheat a bit and download the RPM and use rpm2tgz to install it. That’s probably going to be a bit time consuming; not as bad as building from source, though. Also, I know that OpenOffice requires Java for some features. I’ll need to see what works and what doesn’t without Java present. I don’t have Java installed on my Slackware systems anymore. I just got tired of having to update it every other damned day or so because of security patches issued by Oracle to putty up all the holes in that software.

Once I overcome my current laziness (I’m in battery save mode) enough to give this a try, I’ll post about my results. Until then, you can read more about the new version of OpenOffice by clicking the link below:

AOO 4.0 Release Notes



P.S. If someone more energetic than myself has built a SlackBuild for AOO, let me know. 🙂

P.P.S. What? Don’t like Apache OpenOffice for whatever reasons? If you’re lucky enough to be running Slackware, you can download Master Slacker Alien Bob’s (Eric Hameleers) SlackBuild for LibreOffice 4.0.2 instead. I just did. It installs and runs flawlessly.

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